Friday, November 9, 2007

Warm Fuzzy #2

First Met: Missoula, MT
# of years known: 13 years

Every Wednesday night after church I take this young man home and we usually go to Wendy's--grab some food and take "the long road home" so that we have a chance to talk. I love this young man because he makes me feel like a big sister again. We talk about everything from school and work to relationships in our lives--home, school, work, church and abroad. He reminds how important older siblings are and makes me want to be a better sibling to my family. I also enjoy being the older sibling in his life and helping him with his problems,and rejoicing with him in the good times. I thought for sure that this "date night" would pass as he got his driver's license and he would be out on his own and wanting to hang with friends. But he surprised me again by still wanting to go out with me. How special and loved I feel! Now he can drive and I can enjoy the view!

He amazes me in his service. Many times his older siblings will ask him to go upstairs and retrieve something for them. He will get up from his own comfy seat and run upstairs and get it WITHOUT saying a word--no "get it yourself", "you have two legs", "I got it last time". Mom will ask him to take out the garbage or feed the cat and again he doesn't without ANY backtalk or complaining. He is so sweet and gentle with his grandma and checks on her to make sure she is okay. He also helps her to/from the car and runs errands she asks.

He is also active in serving at church--he helps pass out bulletins and greets people. Pretty good for a teenage boy. He doesn't physically fight and like his mom wears his heart on his sleeve. He has such a big heart that he is going to go far. He also has a spiritual mindset and is devoted to helping others in life. I love talking to him about devos and talks he has given or wants to give in the future. He has a heart to make a big impact and I am excited to see what God does in this young man's life.

To my Missoula "Little Bro"...........I love you and hang in there God's not done with you yet!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Warm Fuzzy #1

First Met: Troy, Idaho
# of years known: 30 years

This person was my first best friend. She is the only person I have ever been able to share a room with successfully. She always followed me and would do anything I asked her to. She was my cohort in just about everything I did growing up. She let me finish her desserts as I was her "fairy godmother". She often hid her left over lunch food under her pillow (so mom wouldn't find it) and helped me to spy on the "Little Ones". She even (accidentally) helped pull out my tooth by yanking on her blanket while it was in my mouth (don't ask why the blanket was in my mouth). She also played "hippo and rhino" with me even though she absolutely hated it. (Hippo and Rhino was this game where you take pillows and put them on your head and butt heads together--I loved it!) She was the only one in the family who actually sat through my laundry classes without complaining. (When my siblings became "of age" (9) they had to learn how to laundry and I professed it my job to teach them. So I taught classes complete with tests to make sure they understood the proper steps in doing laundry)

As we got older, she became my confidant--even though we would fight she was the one I would always turn to for support. She was my cheerleader and believed in me no matter how silly of an idea I came up with. She was always supportive in all I did and inspired me by the level of confidence she showed in me. I didn't have to worry about having friends at school cause no matter what happened, I had one at home. She was/is very smart and always inspired me to high academic achievement with her straight As in high school. She made being smart look easy. Mom always said that I got the gumption and she got the perfection. We made such a great team cause she covered up what I left undone...... She could also interpret my speech as I had/have a tendency to slur my words and on many occasion make up my own. She often was able to tell others what I was trying to say. Saved me on many occasions within the family and socially with friends.

When I moved to Missoula, things got a little distant between us as the roles changed. In 1999 she took the lead in the family by being the first one to marry. She and her husband have also ventured into uncharted waters in starting their own business. Our roads have diverged but she still is my cheerleader. She still is my "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" and a stable force in my life....I love being able to share our lives and learn from each other.

So here is to you--my sister, my friend..........I love you.

Warm Fuzzies

When I was in 2nd grade our teacher, Mrs Stockwell made us do these things called warm fuzzies. They were a "Who am I?" of people in our lives. On the front of a sheet of paper she would have us describe our classmates using characteristics that they have, things they did, or the way they made us feel. The comments had to be positive and encouraging. On the Back we put who it was. Then she would read them out loud in class and the rest of the class had to guess who it was..........

For example, This person is a strong leader and has seen the United States through both the September 11 terrorist attacks and the Iraq war. He has two daughters and is a believer in God. He has made reference to both God and scripture in his speeches. He comes from the Lone Star State and holds the same office his father did. Who am I? (George Bush)

The most important and valued part of my life is the people that it includes. People, both past and present, that God has brought into my life have made my life purposeful and valuable. Since November is the month of Thanksgiving, I would like to honor some (by no means is this going to be an inclusive list) with a warm fuzzy. See if you can guess who they are (feel free to add your guess as a comment). Answers will be posted at the end of the month. I've added "hints" by telling where I was when I met them and how long I have known them.

I love watching God work in my life through people. I hope you all (including those not listed)know that you are love and valued more than I can ever tell you.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

And Then I Found 20 Dollars........

About two Fridays ago, a bunch of us girls got together at the Sullivan's for a girls nite. We had all sorts of fun and games. We did each other hair, nails, and feet. We watched Anne of Green Gables and had a night spent in luxury and laughs. Hannah and Emma were entranced with bubbles and "spa" treatment.

I had brought pizza and Tonya (mom) had reimbursed me $20.00 for the expense. Having no pockets on my PJ's (which were a requirement of the evening) I stuck the 20 in my shoe. Later after getting home, I looked in my shoe and didn't find the 20. I took out the insoles and still no 20 appeared. I checked all my stuff, car and pockets to make sure I didn't accidentally move it--still no luck. I called Tonya and let her know about my missing cash. She and Sarah looked over the house and yard--no 20 either.

I am currently running my budget off of a cash based envelope system. So not having the twenty cut me a little short in my food envelope but I was determined to make it work. Fortunately God intervened and I found $20 in an old purse I hadn't used in a while. So I replaced the missing 20 with the 20 I found and lived off of that for a week....Amazing how God provides when you let Him.

Exactly a week later, I had use all but $1.00 of my providentially provided $$. I went over to Lana's house and took off my shoes. Ten minutes later another friend, Bekah shows up bends down, picks up a flat $20.00, and asks, "Whose is this?" I was stunned--It was my original $20.00. What was amazing was that I had worn those shoes all week and the money never showed up. God's timing is always Amazing..........

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Adventure in the Park

Tonight was so neat....when I got off of work I had NO agenda....I usually have some sort of activity or some chore that has to be done after work. Today....NOTHING. The possibilities were endless. I could be responsible and go pay bills and finish some homework but it is such a nice GORGEOUS day that it shouldn't be wasted on such details.

So I decided to go geocaching. Jeremy has been giving me such a hard time about only have claimed one cache in my profile that I finally decided to remedy the situation. So I call my friend, Rebekah and invite her along. Since it gets dark so early we decided to hit the park next door to my house..............

We get to the coordinates and begin looking around. There are a couple of trees with tall grass and thorn bushes around them. The cache has got to be in we go stomping and digging on our hands and knees trying to find anything out of the ordinary. Bekah picks up a stick and starts digging and prodding with it. It's a wonder we didn't dig up the trees. Unfortunately it got too dark to continue looking and we had massacred the place....time to go back and consult the web page to see if the cache had been found recently. It is an older cache in the area. So we headed towards the house.....

On the way we found a neighbor's tree who has fun shaped pinecones that Bekah fell in love with. We stopped and picked some up. We need pinecones for decorating tables at her wedding in December. So we each grabbed a few. Then I remember that not far up the street is a great tree that has majestic pinecones that Patty found a few years ago. So we drop the pinecones off at her car on the way up the street. As we pass this one house on the corner Bekah notices these small cute itty-bitty pinecones. She is so excited and the next thing you know both her and I are in the bushes digging out the mini cones. Of course true to form both of our heads are in the bushes and our bottoms are facing the street. (For those of you who don't know Bekah, her and I come from the same graceful lady like mold:)) We ended up having to run back to the house to grab a bag and flashlights to go collect our new found treasures. About an hour later we had collected a whole bag full of mini pinecones. Unfortunately we had also collected a whole jacket/jeans full of sap. And of course the car seat where we stuck the pinecones was sappy too. Now what? Call Mom....she always has the answers. Mom of course once again comes in and saves the day. Thanks Mom! I would be sappy without you!

P.s. The answer to getting sap out of car seats and clothes is rubbing alcohol. I just saved you a phone call.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Welcome Home Bernie

Today has been a very fun Saturday. I went to my Financial Peace Class this morning and learned all about investments. Some of the factoids that I learned are:
1. You should never buy something you don't understand~this includes investments. You should be able to explain it to a 7th grader.
2. An investment broker should have the heart and patience of a teacher. They should be able to help you understand what you are purchasing.
3. If you plan on taking the money out in less than 5 years it's called savings. Investments are long term commitments.
4. Your investments should get more than 6% annually to stay ahead of taxes and inflation.
5. The average investor makes a 7% return on single stock portfolio with a very high degree of risk.
6. 70% to 90% of all day traders LOSE $$$
7. True wealth is not built in a moment but over time.

After class, Patty and I went shopping! It's one of our favorite pastimes. We went to Staples to look guessed supplies. Then there on the end of one of isles, was a display of lap desks (in case you don't know what a lap desk's a hard top surface with a pillow underneath that you set on your lap to work on. This way you can work while you sit comfortably on the couch.) I've been wanting one of these for years. I often end up stealing Patty's to use. Now here was a hard black plastic surface with a bright blue soft pillow underneath that could be mine for the low bargain basement price of $9.99. I was so excited. Patty was even more excited since I wouldn't have to borrow hers. Thus I purchased and brought home Bernie~the long awaited for lap desk. He is supporting my computer as I type. "This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship............"

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Unusual Wednesday

Today is unusually quiet. Which for a Wednesday .......well......unusal. My Wednesdays start at 6:30 with an exercise class working with weights and Pilate's. This can be entertaining as I am not all that flexible nor do I have good balance. Jen and a ball make an interesting combo. I have managed to succeed in giving my self a black eye which is a hysterical story. Today was rather uneventful~except for the arm raises.

I went to work and NOTHING HAPPENED~which on Wednesday is unusual. Nothing today. I have gotten a lot of comments on my new hair cut which is nice except what does that say about my old one? Did I look like an old rag mop? I have decided it's a good thing I don't have to look at me all day long. Me, myself and I get along better when we don't have a constant reminder of what I look like. You poor people who have to look at me!

I have almost used a whole box of Kleenexes today. I NEVER blow my nose that much. It feels like I am trying to stop Niagara Falls and I am not succeeding. OH Well........

Wish of the day: That I get a shout out from Alex!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Magical Morning

This morning as I was driving home at 7:30 am from my midweek exercise class I got to have a magical moment. The sunrise was so pretty. As the sun peaked over the mountains it turned everything a golden color. It was almost like golden fingers were reaching out and touching Missoula. All the trees looked radiant in their fall colors~~the reds, golds, greens and orange were heighten by the golden light. As I looked down on the valley coming up Hillview there on the hill was a heard of doe eating breakfast. Further up the road were two bucks~~one standing on either side of the road. They looked like they were posing for pictures~~heads tall with a full rack spread. It was a picturesque moment. I love living in Montana in the fall.

Praise God for His wonderful creation and glorious seasons!

Thursday, July 19, 2007


I have been reflecting a lot lately on the value of good friends. They sure make life a lot easier. I have had some very difficult pain and agony in the couple of months. My friends have made it bearable.

***They have helped me with daily chores (such as laundry and meals)

***They have drove me around

***They have sat and chatted

***They have run errands

***They have laughed, cried, and most importantly Hugged.

***Those who lived far away--have called and e-mailed

***They have let me cry, laugh, and be totally insane in their presence without asking why or expecting anything more.

***They have made me laugh till I could cry

***They have reminded me that God is in control and that tomorrow is another day.

I can't imagine my life without friends. So to all of you out there--Here is to you