Monday, April 28, 2008

My Rap

He's no ordinary Phil
If he can't pay for it no one will
He whips out his plastic with such skill
and swipes in to pay the bill.

Who is this masked man with all the money?
Some know him as Chrissy's honey
Others prefer to call him Andy
Many think he's handy

But really he's more defined and should be known
as Skinbone

Skinbone...yeah yeah
Skinbone..the complex guy
Skinbone...the name doesn't lie

A Wolf Loge Steak
Keeps his mouth wide awake
If a plate of veggies make
It's more than he can take

Some find him quiet and think he's an illusion
Not many would classify find him as an intrusion
But little do the thy know
just how deep this man's mind can go

Skinbone...yeah yeah
Skinbone..the complex guy
Skinbone...the name doesn't lie

Deep Mind
Heart Kind
Never in a bind
Always like to Dine

Give him a rod and a reel
Then he'll give you a deal
Give him a high five
Then you'll find him quite alive

He's the man
He's got the toughest skin
and good to the bone......

Skinbone...yeah yeah
Skinbone..the complex guy
Skinbone...the name doesn't lie

Skinbone....the badest, coolest, kindest dude you'll ever meet
Skinbone.....Yeah Yeah
Skinbone.....bad bad


Anonymous said...

Nice one.....can't wait for the live performance. I think people in the office have think I've lost it because of the laughing. (Not that they even thought I had it in the first place!)

Anonymous said...

Yo JBUZZ, what up...I still think you're too white to rap

Jennifer said...

Just you wait....Skinbone! I'm gon'a knock yur soks off.