Thursday, July 19, 2007


I have been reflecting a lot lately on the value of good friends. They sure make life a lot easier. I have had some very difficult pain and agony in the couple of months. My friends have made it bearable.

***They have helped me with daily chores (such as laundry and meals)

***They have drove me around

***They have sat and chatted

***They have run errands

***They have laughed, cried, and most importantly Hugged.

***Those who lived far away--have called and e-mailed

***They have let me cry, laugh, and be totally insane in their presence without asking why or expecting anything more.

***They have made me laugh till I could cry

***They have reminded me that God is in control and that tomorrow is another day.

I can't imagine my life without friends. So to all of you out there--Here is to you